Estonian-Bavarian economic cooperation at the vbw in Munich

In February, Eduard Ralph, Head of Consulting birkle IT AG, was invited to a productive roundtable discussion on Estonian-Bavarian business cooperation hosted by the Bavarian Business Association (vbw). It was an honor to meet Lauri Hussar, Speaker of the Estonian Parliament, Roomet Sõrmus, Economic Diplomat at the Estonian Embassy in Berlin, and Andres Sutt, MP, former Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology of the Estonian Government, at this event.

Expansion of German-Baltic business relations

Andres Sutt (left), Eduard Ralph (middle), and Roomet Sõrmus (right)

Dr. Christof Prechtl, Deputy Managing Director of vbw (Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V.), welcomed the participants and moderated the exciting discussions.

The aim of the round table was to explore opportunities for cooperation between Estonian and Bavarian companies, focusing on key areas such as digitalization, energy transition and the defence industry.

The vbw-Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. is the voluntary, cross-industry interest group of the Bavarian economy. It represents the interests of the Bavarian economy and supports the industry with its expertise and experience, partners and networks as well as with its projects, programs and comprehensive range of services.

Exponentiating the birkle IT AG Bestshoring concept

Eduard Ralph actively participated in the discussion by highlighting the Estonian-Bavarian economic cooperation by demonstrating our bestshoring model. The exchange underlined the considerable opportunities for improving trade and economic relations between Estonia and Bavaria and pointed out clear paths for future cooperation.

Our Bestshoring project promise

For us at birkle IT, Bestshoring means bringing together international experts in permanent teams to implement efficient corporate and company projects in the IT environment. Nearshoring in the Baltic States is primarily a technological advantage.
In line with our philosophy: “Big enough to deliver, small enough to care”, this means delivering an excellent, high-quality service in our daily work and at the same time placing a special focus on close customer relationships and customer loyalty.

Digital minister Wissing calls for an Innovationsclub

The current Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport in Germany, Dr. Volker Wissing (FDP), also visited the Baltic States last year to learn about the outstanding digital pioneering role of the Baltic states. Particular attention was paid to the area of digitalization within society and the promotion of bilateral cooperation. Impressed by the end-to-end digitalization of these countries, he launched the “Innovation Club” initiative and met with the leaders of the Baltic countries shortly afterwards:

Why the Baltics? Learning from the innovation champion

Volker Wissing is planning the German-Baltic Innovation Club – we have been active in the Baltic States for 7 years. Read our blog to find out why the Baltic states are digitalization champions and what we can learn from them.

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why birkle IT

big enough to deliver, small enough to care!

With locations in Lithuania and Estonia, we bring the undisputed pioneers and
market leaders in digital infrastructure to our customers.

All About Bestshoring

Contact your Bestshoring

Marco Spielmann

CEO birkle IT Estonia OÜ


Contact your Bestshoring

Dr. Kestutis Bagdonavicius

CEO birkle IT Lithuania UAB
